Meet Chris Bale

Energy Worker, Intimacy & Spirituality Mentor, Qi Gong Teacher, Acupuncturist

Chris is an Internationally known Energy-Worker, Spiritual/Intimacy Mentor, Qi Gong teacher & Acupuncturist - who supports and activates deep transformations in the lives of others, and has been doing so for well over a decade(more info below). Over the years he has worked with thousands of individuals from all over the planet, and from many different walks of life.

Chris has an extensive educational background in many different healing modalities; including Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, QiGong & Medical QiGong, Energy Healing, & Sexual Alchemy.

Through his mission, he shares his experiential knowledge to assist and guide others into deeper consciousness, love, health and embodiment - Offering potent mentoring, energy work and trainings for both men, women & couples.

Through diligent dedication to his own personal cultivation and practice, Chris holds a highly transformative energetic frequency - which is the core of his work.

With a compassionate patience, accompanied by an unwavering deliverance of consciousness & truth in its rawest, most penetrating form; Chris gets right to the core of the collective-traumas and conditionings which have taken up residence in each-one of us, and supports the process of returning back to ones own true nature.



2010: Clinical Acupuncture/Medical Qigong practice began.

2012: Started assisting men exclusively in the area of healthy relating with themselves and the feminine.

2017: Opened mentoring/Blisswork Energy sessions for women, after going much deeper into the polarizing energetic dynamics within. (*Read more below)


Some personal history:

His love for the "spiritual" began rather early, when he was drawn to study the energetic arts at the age of just 16. He began to study and experiment with different meditation and qigong practices, as an attempt to ‘fix’ the constant anxiety and discomfort he experienced. Martially, Chris trained in Karate from a very young age to Black Belt(1st dan) level.

Once he escaped the Irish schooling system, (and after playing around on radio stations as a broadcast & club DJ) he pursued an extensive 4 year education in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Anatomy & Physiology, Acupuncture & Medical QiGong. Chris has also studied and applied many other forms of eastern energy medicines, such as Reiki, Pranic Healing, & Sexual Alchemy.

Initially, in the earlier years, Chris worked exclusively with men, assisting and guiding in the areas of communicating, understanding, & connecting with the feminine from an authentic and healthy place - Guiding men through their internal process to develop deeper presence, direct communication, and healthier belief systems around relating to themselves and the feminine principle. It was clear that most men long to be ‘good with women’. This can be detrimental. Much of Chris’ work with men was(and still is) about guiding him to be good with himself, and from here, he becomes a naturally more attractive, inspiring and integral human. Much of this earlier work laid the foundation for today.

The energetic work which Chris is now known for - was cultivated later, through a deeply transformative phase of his life, where so much fell away, including his health.

This divinely timed transformational period was triggered and supported by certain bio-energetic/Qigong practices(which he now teaches in his classes and workshops), and long distance breathwork/energy sessions. Soon after, Chris opened his energetic work up to women.


Chris has spent many years dedicated to his internal spiritual work, unravelling all of the internal conditionings and lies which he was shovel-fed in droves, by a society who's default state is absolute madness. Once emerged, he began to turn his attention into assisting this process within others.

Through his deep experiential understandings with Life-Force energy, (and how humans worked on a deeper level) he now offers a combination of energywork and mentoring for those who seek out his guidance.

Today, Chris shares his work globally in the form of private sessions, and group gatherings & retreats.

With his deeply intuitive ability to feel, understand and direct source-energy, he powerfully assists others in returning home to a place of vibrant aliveness, and connection with their truest nature. Restoring freedom, clarity, & love.

"I have spent many years working through my own pain, insecurity, confusion, and fear with myself, in order to bring that clarity back to others. What men and women need individually right now, is a little different. But my mission and purpose is all about delivering that with precision, and to create a space that facilitates both sexes arriving home, fearlessly..."

— Chris Bale