Alchemy For Life Force
"The Qigong form I am about to teach and initiate you into, is the single most powerful practice I have ever discovered for energetic cultivation & vibrant health, in my 18+ years of energetic exploration"
About The Practice
Generally, the difference between a healthy vibrant person, and an unhealthy diseased person - is the amount of Life Force they can absorb and hold in their system, and the rate at which it is vibrating at.
Everything is dictated by the amount of Life Force energy we have access to; from assimilating the nutrients in our food, to fighting off bacterias, to healing from health issues, to feeling happy and engaged with life.
Most people move around in life running on fumes, because we were never shown or given the tools required to accumulate Life Force effectively. So people live in a constant state of burnout.
I’m deeply honoured to be able to share a life changing alchemical practice with you, for absorbing huge amounts of beneficial energy from the universe. A practice that I know can & will change your life.
Please Note: This is a different practice to Chris' QiGong Video Course. It requires energetic initiation, which is why it must be taught to you LIVE.
For this reason, classes are never recorded.

“The practice I am going to share with you, is not only the most powerful QiGong practice for vitality that I have ever come across in my life, it's also the simplest one to practice. It takes just 20 minutes to do, while accumulating more energy than anything else I have encountered. It can be practiced by everyone of all ages, regardless of physical condition.”
A profoundly powerful tool for life…
In the past 18 years of my QiGong exploration, I have practiced and experimented with endless lineages, forms, styles & techniques for energetic cultivation. Most have made empty promises, and end up being nothing more than physical exercise.
In a time where spiritual practice is becoming more trendy than effective, most styles now being taught have very little energy connected to them at all.
This form is a specialized type of Qigong, which has remained beautifully protected by its creator. Only certain people, whom he has initiated into being instructors, can teach and transmit this to new students. Therefore, the integrity & power of this simple form has been maintained.

The practice is designed to absorb the beneficial energy of the sun, moon, and the essence of the Qi of the universe. It regulates and intensifies Life Force & the immune system, supporting and flushing the cells, organs and tissues of the body with a potent healing and revitalizing energy.
More Information
The power in this practice is responsible for assisting thousands of people, from many different walks of life, heal and recover fully from the most stubborn and serious (often terminal) health conditions.
It is a deeply mystical practice, as the results its achieves in one’s life, if practiced consistently and diligently, can be totally miraculous.
It can be easily learned in just ONE instructional class of 60 -90 minutes. Then it's yours to practice and implement into your life. You are also welcome to retake the class whenever you would like to at a discounted rate. To re-take the class, contact us.
I am excited to share with you the history of this Mystical Practice, & the history of the amazing Master practitioner who created it.
I am officially certified/initiated as an instructor of this form, by its creator, to transmit the foundational energy required for your system to be able to absorb the huge amounts of healing energy it pulls in.
To learn this practice, join the next group class.