For Women

It is highly recommended to start with this workshop before choosing to work with Chris - As familiarizing yourself with his core/foundational approach will prime you for the deeper work.

The Women’s Group

This group will be focused on holding a clear space for the feminine to express herself and receive conscious guidance in a safe and supportive space - to share her truth, and to be evoked in rising into her fullest power.​ Twice monthly, on a Monday @ 4pm EST

Online Sessions

A beautiful option for women who are ready to begin their work with Chris. These online offerings are a powerful support for those who are ready to truly feel, heal, and ignite their wild-hearted feminine essence.

In-Person Sessions

Working with Chris in-person is the most powerful way to experience the transformative quality of his work & presence. *Only available to those who have already worked with Chris.

Remote Healing Session

These long distance energy sessions are a very powerful option for healing and assisting the body recover from many different types of health issues, illnesses & concerns. Chris treats individuals with everything from fatigue, to digestive disorders, to terminal illnesses.

For Women

​“The feminine is in a deeply critical state right now. Most women are terrified of their own femininity in its most powerful form, without any real understanding of how she(or it) functions, due to how unrealistic social standards have conditioned her. She has been stolen away from her heart, her intelligence, her nature, and her body. The feminine has been profoundly mishandled. Many women go through their entire lives without ever fully maturing into their wild & receptive womanhood.

Instead she moves through her life in a state of pain, sadness, longing, distrust, confusion and childishness. She never experiences her grown love. She never meets her natural bliss, her true empowerment. The work I am sharing with women - is to support that shift.”

— Chris Bale

Hear what others are saying…

“I only became aware of the work that Chris is doing very recently and it hit me straight in the heart. I reached out to him and from the moment of my first connection with his beautiful assistant Emma, right through to now, I have been held, loved, encouraged and supported.

I felt sick with fear in the lead up to to my energy session video-call but I need not have put myself through that. Chris was incredibly gentle, loving, and patient. Even though we weren’t in the same room, I could feel him with me strongly.

It’s hard to put into words exactly what I experienced in those 1.5 hours. I felt myself opening up to a force that was familiar and intense. The energy permeated my entire body, slowly building until I reached the most exquisite states of orgasmic bliss. Just when I thought the energy had settled, it would build again with even more intensity. It felt like melting into myself but it also felt like switching on every feeling sense in my entire body. It is like NOTHING I have felt before.

Since that session (only two weeks ago) everything has changed for me. I feel alive in ways I never have before. Oh…and to be aware of that constant bliss running through me. All I have to do is be focus on it and …..ohhhhh….!! There are many other significant changes too, all of which will bring me closer to a deeply satisfying life.

Thank you Chris for all the work that you have done that allows you to bring your masculine to us. Thank you for truly seeing me.

Forever grateful,

Kara Kovacs - Victoria, Australia.

My bliss session with Chris on the 15th was absolutely incredible, like nothing I have ever experienced before. I feel like there were some deep shifts for me and I’m experiencing myself in a whole new light.

Teah - Florida, USA